Federico Castro
Dr. Federico Castro is a professional passionate about the benefits that orthopedic surgery provides to people. He began his studies in medicine and surgery at the Universidad Hispanoamericana. Following with a specialty in orthopedics and traumatology at the University of Costa Rica. To complement his expertise he did a fellowship in knee surgery at the Hospital del Trabajador in Santiago de Chile.
He fully believes in the common good, so he works as a professor at the University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED) and currently works at the Hospital del Trauma and Hospital La Catolica.
He also has a Master in Health Management from OBS Business School / University of Barcelona, he is also a member of the Costa Rican Association of Orthopedics ACOT, European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy ESSKA, Latin American Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology SLAOT, Arthroscopic Association of North America AANA, Latin American Society of Arthroscopy, Joint Reconstruction and Sports Trauma SLARD.